UK Parliament report says 98.7% raped in Bangladesh are Hindus -
Mass/gang rape has been the weapon of choice because when a girl is raped the family tends to leave for India to avoid its repetition. 200 Hindu women were raped in one night at a single spot in October 2001 Hindu mother and daughter are being raped together so they dare not stay in the country. Even handicapped and 70-year-old women are raped.
— The minorities represent less than 10% of the population but 98.7% of the rape victims are minorities.
— The minorities are forced to pay infidel tax.
What is India without Dharmic religions like Hinduism, Sikhism, Buddhism & Jainism? An Islamic Republic resembling Pakistan or Bangladesh! Or what else!?
Protection of India as a Dharmic (including Hindus) majority nation is compulsory if Indianness is to be saved.
Protection of India as a Dharmic (including Hindus) majority nation is compulsory if Indianness is to be saved.
Specially CPI(M) ruling West Bengal. As seen from their recent support to Muslim Jehadis against Taslima Nasrin the author. They protest and create confusion if non-Hindu is tortured and keep mum if Hindu is at the recieving end!
What about them?
Why media and people are silent on these, because the victim this time is a Hindu? Is this Bengali Secularism!?
In opposite cases why media keeps silence?
They say Partition of Bengal due to riots and not Hindu genocide
Riots occur when two groups of people clash and it happened in Punjab where both sides fought each other and there was unofficial transfer of people. But in Bengal only Hindus moved from East Bengal/Pakistan to West Bengal and impotent or large hearted Bengali Hindus did not send any significant Muslims from India to Bangladesh!
It is said that whole East Bengal, specially Noakhali, Dhaka and Barisal saw riots but in reality only Hindus were butchered there! Was it riot or Hindu genocide? Why false information is taught in history books!? Riots to some extent happened only in Hindu majority Kolkata in 1946 though it was a counter attack by mostly Biharis against the Muslim Bengalis after they had killed, raped and maimed Hindu Bengalis! Good or bad revenge was taken in Bihar by Hindus against Noakhali incidents on Bihari Muslims so some Bihari Muslims went to Bangladesh/East Pakistan and still Bengali Hindus regard Biharis as aliens and Bengali Muslims as brothers!
Hence Hindu Bengalis who formed 45% in 1947 reduced to only 28% in Bangladesh + West Bengal. So the question comes why was Bengal partitoned for riots or Hindu genocide by Muslim majority? Was it right for Shyamaprasad Mukherjee to create West Bengal or should he left united Bengal to go to Pakistan?
What for Shyamaprasad is not given his due respect as father of West Bengal? Is this called Bengali secularism!?
It is said that whole East Bengal, specially Noakhali, Dhaka and Barisal saw riots but in reality only Hindus were butchered there! Was it riot or Hindu genocide? Why false information is taught in history books!? Riots to some extent happened only in Hindu majority Kolkata in 1946 though it was a counter attack by mostly Biharis against the Muslim Bengalis after they had killed, raped and maimed Hindu Bengalis! Good or bad revenge was taken in Bihar by Hindus against Noakhali incidents on Bihari Muslims so some Bihari Muslims went to Bangladesh/East Pakistan and still Bengali Hindus regard Biharis as aliens and Bengali Muslims as brothers!
Hence Hindu Bengalis who formed 45% in 1947 reduced to only 28% in Bangladesh + West Bengal. So the question comes why was Bengal partitoned for riots or Hindu genocide by Muslim majority? Was it right for Shyamaprasad Mukherjee to create West Bengal or should he left united Bengal to go to Pakistan?
What for Shyamaprasad is not given his due respect as father of West Bengal? Is this called Bengali secularism!?
What happened in Gujarat were riots as both Hindus and Muslims fought and died but was Kashmiri Hindus driven out for riots or genocides!? Kashmir has a total population of 1 crore with 67% Muslims but 1.5 crore Hindus in bangladesh and 3 million in Pakistan are suffering alone! West Bengal has become a logistic and resting hub of terrorists coming from Bangladesh and no wonder they shout for removal of Pota or Tada!
It is strange that in Hindu majority India, Hindus suffer at the hands of Muslims or Christians in Kashmir, Northeast, Kerala, etc!
It is strange that in Hindu majority India, Hindus suffer at the hands of Muslims or Christians in Kashmir, Northeast, Kerala, etc!
Vietnam massacared us and commies support them
Commies should first understand Indian culture before attacking it! In Cambodian pronunciation Omkar Nath is Angkor vat just as in Thai pronunciation King Bhumibal Atulyatej is called Bhumibol Adulayej! These do not change the meanings!
Anyway what can be expected from you as you supported the Vietnamese who had done unspeakable genocide on Indian Hindus of Central and South Vietnam and wiped out them and their civilization to such an extent that ancient Indian settlers in Vietnam and Cambodia who once formed and occupid 2/3 of Indo-China are now called Chams (after Champa civilization) there and are ony 4% of Cambodia and 2% of Vietnam (mainly in south)! Unfortunately 80% of them have accepted Islam but 20% are still practising Hindus called Balamon Chams after Brahmins/Bamons!
South Vietnam with them tried to assert independence with USA help but commies round the world created false propaganda and slaughtered them with Chinese help! Vietnamese of north from 18 th century has destroyed the Indian Hindu civilization of central and south vietnam (Champa) with Chinese help and occupied them!
Chams especially Muslims have mixed with Malays but still retain Hindu chracteristics including language derieved from Sanskrit just as Bahasa (Bhasha in Sanskrit) Malaysia and Bahasha Indonesia, all inter related languages derieved from Sanskrit just as Hindi, Bengali or Punjabi!
N.B: Capital of Hindu Vietnam was the rich port city of Amaravati now known as Da Nang! Now under commies Hindu-Buddhists are heavily persecuted. Ho Chi Minh city is named after the bloddy communist who did all these and earlier it was known as Prem Nagar (Prey Nokor - Khmer), (Vietnamese - Sài Gòn)! UPA-CPM Govt is similiarly hostile to Hindus with Ram Setu-
Anyway what can be expected from you as you supported the Vietnamese who had done unspeakable genocide on Indian Hindus of Central and South Vietnam and wiped out them and their civilization to such an extent that ancient Indian settlers in Vietnam and Cambodia who once formed and occupid 2/3 of Indo-China are now called Chams (after Champa civilization) there and are ony 4% of Cambodia and 2% of Vietnam (mainly in south)! Unfortunately 80% of them have accepted Islam but 20% are still practising Hindus called Balamon Chams after Brahmins/Bamons!
South Vietnam with them tried to assert independence with USA help but commies round the world created false propaganda and slaughtered them with Chinese help! Vietnamese of north from 18 th century has destroyed the Indian Hindu civilization of central and south vietnam (Champa) with Chinese help and occupied them!
Chams especially Muslims have mixed with Malays but still retain Hindu chracteristics including language derieved from Sanskrit just as Bahasa (Bhasha in Sanskrit) Malaysia and Bahasha Indonesia, all inter related languages derieved from Sanskrit just as Hindi, Bengali or Punjabi!
N.B: Capital of Hindu Vietnam was the rich port city of Amaravati now known as Da Nang! Now under commies Hindu-Buddhists are heavily persecuted. Ho Chi Minh city is named after the bloddy communist who did all these and earlier it was known as Prem Nagar (Prey Nokor - Khmer), (Vietnamese - Sài Gòn)! UPA-CPM Govt is similiarly hostile to Hindus with Ram Setu-
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