this is the time for Hindu's to wake up from their ignorance of our culture, we should remember that if we leave our culture, from very point the problems starts as we are only the culture and if we leave it, it means we are living ourselves...... at bad time
there is quote:-
"at bad times even our shadow leaves us"
(TRY TO UNDERSTAND IT..............)
if we have any problem in our culture we are persons who have to do something to correct it, rather thinking of others to do it........
and we should know that for our good we have to do the thing and there will no one even of helping you at moment of time.....
but always try..........
if you think no one is there to listen, so make them listen or wait for them to listen....... and remember that there will be some people who is listening to you but you are the one who is unable to see him.........
let's give one example i started my blog at first i used to think no one will see my blog(www.hindu4u.blogspot.in) but as time passed i gave the blog what i can, and now i am proud that my views of my blog are good, so never think you can't do the thing............ what you want.......
and sorry for a so long comment........ and thanks for reading it...........
JAI SREE RAM............!!!!!!!!!!

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