- 1. Preface
- 2. Website of a Hindu organisation
- 3. Use of ‘blog’ for Hindu unity
- 4. Use of social networking websites for uniting Hindus
- 5. Most popular social networking websites
- 6. Various E-mail groups
- 7. Projector
- 8. How to help other Hindu organisations for educating the Hindus widely ?
- 9. Who can do actual Dharma prasar through the internet and how ?
1. Preface
1A. Importance of the new medium - Internet
We all have gathered here today to commence in the true sense the task of establishing the Hindu Nation. Utmost important for this noble task is Dharmakranti, that is, Religious Revolution. In this very Holy land of Bharat, about 400 years ago, a similar Dharmakranti was brought about by Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj with the blessings of Goddess Bhawani Mata and Saints such as Rashtraguru Samarth Ramdas Swami and Saint Tukaram Maharaj.
We have already seen the importance of Brahmatej and Kshatratej in establishing the Hindu Nation. To awaken the Hindu community which is in deep slumber, it is imperative to reach their doorstep, impart them Dharmashikshan (Education on Dharma) and provide the latest information on the onslaughts on Dharma and Nation. So far, we had the media like radio, newspapers and television at hand to assist us. A new powerful addition to this list is the internet.
1A 1. Low-cost medium
Enormous manpower and funds are required to operate a newspaper or a television channel. When compared with these mediums, it is easier to unite Hindus through the medium of internet, since it is very cheap compared with the other two mediums. Since it is also simple to use internet through mobiles, there is rapid rise in the number of mobile users. Today’s youth is in the forefront in this regard.
1B. Internet lent a helping hand in the people’s revolution in Arab countries
A obvious example of the importance of internet is the people’s revolution that took place in the Arab countries of Tunisia, Algeria and Egypt in the last year. Social networking websites such as ‘Facebook’, ‘Twitter’, ‘YouTube’ etc. and ‘blogs’ of citizens keen for the revolution played a major role in making the revolution successful.
Their citizens used various mediums on the internet and successfully planned to assemble at various venues, took action as planned and attained success. Apart from this, the citizens in these countries effectively used mediums such as ‘Twitter’ and ‘Facebook’ available on mobiles during the adverse times. They tried to come out of the adverse situations in a apt manner. We will also be noting some examples of this kind in Bharat.
1C. What are the various mediums of prasar through the internet ?
Let us now identify the powerful mediums on the internet that are going to be useful for Hindu unity and Dharmakranti. These mediums are personal websites, ‘blogs’ , social networking websites such as Facebook, Twitter and various E-mail groups. Let us obtain detailed information on these.
2. Website of a Hindu organisation
2A. Website is the mouthpiece of an organisation on the internet
In today’s era of internet, a website is inevitable and it is the need of the hour. It is a lawful platform to proclaim our mission, philosophy and policies. Today, when the electronic and print (newspapers, magazines and periodicals) media not only in Bharat but also overseas are spitting venom against Hindus, it has become important for the Hindu organisations to have their own websites.
2B. As a Hindu website, which subjects should be given importance ?

2B 1. Expose matters related to protecting Dharma, for example, mass awakening on the onslaughts on Hindus
Instead of raising issues concerning Hindus, most media houses today dish out news that would only demoralise Hindus continuously. Hence, it is expected that Hindu websites continuously focus on the issues of Hindus. Today, there are many burning issues facing the Hindus such as ‘Love Jihad’, cow slaughter, riots, anti-Hindu laws like ‘Communal and Targeted Violence Bill’ etc., conversions etc.
To create awakening among the Hindus in the society, it is imperative to place all these issues and their severity before the Hindus. Hindus have no saviour. Hence, Hindu websites should give priority to all such issues and suggest solutions on them.
2B 2. Dharmashikshan (Education on Dharma)
Today, the followers of other sects are taught about their sect through their places of worship; but Hindus do not get such education anywhere. Through our websites, we can publish information on our festivals, religious festivals, all types of religious action recommended by Dharma, Hindu scriptures etc. and place before the entire world the uniqueness of Hindu Dharma.
2B 3. Unity of Hindus and making them pro-active
In today’s times, mere awakening of Hindus will not suffice. It is necessary to unite them and motivate them to become active to serve the Nation and Dharma. Let us look at this aspect in detail. (The 8th and 9th point from the text)
2C. Synopsis of activities of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti’s (HJS’) website in the above field
Information on protecting Dharma and Dharmashikshan on HJS’ websites has been receiving tremendous response from Hindus. Let us see some statistics in this regard.
1. ‘News’ section that presents Hindus’ issues : Over 1 crore 28 lakh readers
2. Articles on Hindu scriptures : Over 21 lakh readers
3. Videos of HJS on ‘YouTube’ : They were viewed over 15 lakh 69 thousand times and the permanent members are 1 thousand 491.
4. Articles on the glorious history of Hindus : Over 4 lakh readers
5. Online signature campaigns associated with the Nation and Dharma : Over 2 lakh 50 thousand signatures
6. News / campaigns on denigration of Deities and national figures : Over 600 articles published so far
7. Success achieved in preventing denigration : Success in over 200 incidents
So far, over 30 thousand readers have commented and over 3 thousand readers have expressed their willingness to join HJS’ mission.
2D. Examples of websites of other Hindu organisations engaged in protecting Dharma
The following are examples of some websites (like HJS’ website) which are trying to awaken and unite Hindus. (Examples have been taken as per information available with us.)
3. Use of ‘blog’ for Hindu unity
3A. Importance of ‘blog’
Presently, though it is easy to start a website and operate it, it also has some expense. Again, many technical aspects are to be looked into and it requires some manpower. Hence, sometimes it becomes difficult for one individual or one organisation to start and operate a website. For such individuals or organisations, ‘blog’ is a good alternative.
3B. How to start a ‘blog’
We can create our ‘blog’ on various websites on the internet. Following websites are well-known for the purpose.
We can start our ‘blog’ on these websites without any expense. These websites also provide information on how to present our ‘blog’ in an attractive manner.
3C. Examples of Hindu ‘blogs’
Many amongst us are in contact with the Hindus all over the world through ‘blogs’. Let us see some of the best and famous ‘blogs’.
1. : From this ‘blog’ operated by Mr. Tapan Ghosh (We should make sure if he is present and then mention his name), we can get complete information on the sordid state of the Hindus in West Bengal. Due to this blog, thousands of Hindus from West Bengal have been associated with the Hindu organisation ‘Hindu Samhati’. These Hindus united at many places and succeeded in stopping atrocities on them.
2. : We can regularly get the latest information on the onslaughts on Hindus and the success Hindus have achieved due to their unity and valour from this ‘blog’ operated by Mr. Upanand Brahmachari. (We should make sure of his presence and then mention his name.)
3. Blogs that give news on Hindus :
4. Use of social networking websites for uniting Hindus
4A. Introduction to social networking websites
Today, people throughout the world are using various popular social networking websites such as ‘Facebook’, ‘Twitter’, ‘Google Plus’ etc. widely. Several crore Hindus the world over have been using these social networking websites. It has become inevitable to use these sites for uniting Hindus and for protecting Hindu Dharma.
4B. Examples of influence of social networking websites on the people
4B 1. We have earlier seen the success of people’s revolution in Arab countries. Let us now take an example from Bharat.
4B 2. Successful Shriramnavami rally at Bhagyanagar (Hyderabad), Andhra Pradesh : In March 2012, Mr. Thakur Raja Singh who organised a grand procession of Shriramnavami at Bhagyanagar was arrested by the Police and the procession was banned. At that time, many devout Hindus and Hindu organisations such as Bhagat Singh Kranti Sena unitedly resolved to make the procession a great success. To appeal to the Hindus on this, they used the social networking websites such as Facebook, Twitter etc. widely. It was because of this, that a few days before Shriramnavami Mr. Thakur Raja Singh was released by the Police, and bowing to the increasing strength of the Hindus, the Police stopped bringing obstacles in the rally.
The combined result of these efforts was that over one and half lakh to 2 lakh Hindus came together at Bhagyanagar, crushed the opposition of the anti-Hindus and made Shriramnavami rally a great success. A significant aspect of this rally was that not a single untoward incident took place during the rally.
5. Most popular social networking websites
5A. Facebook
5A 1. Introduction to Facebook
This is the most popular social networking website in the world and it has over 5 crore members in Bharat.
5A 2. How can we use Facebook ?
The Shriramnavami Samiti had placed the map of the procession path on the Home page of Facebook and seeing the page, many Hindus joined the procession.
5B. Twitter
5B 1. Introduction to Twitter
There are over 1 crore members of Twitter in Bharat. Twitter has become an easy and important medium of relaying news or a message to millions of people.
5B 2. Example of success achieved through Twitter
We can also seek assistance of Hindus from various fields and various parts of the country to solve various issues in this manner. We can also bring together millions of Hindus through Twitter.
5C. Other social networking websites
Other social networking websites are Orkut and Google Plus. However, they are not as popular as Facebook and Twitter. Both these websites belong to Google only. Google Plus is a new website being used widely by the people. In Google Plus, we can unite maximum number of reliable Hindu friends in a group. By using this website, we can send our messages to all these friends at the same time.
6. Various E-mail groups
6A. Introduction to E-mail groups
6B. Importance of E-mail groups
In view of the increasing proportion of use of internet among the Hindus, E-mail groups, along with social networking websites can also play an important role in awakening, uniting and activating Hindus.
7. Projector
8. How to help other Hindu organisations for educating the Hindus widely ?
We can reach a maximum of 50 to 100 people by going door to door and explaining our topic in detail. Whereas, here we can send our messages to millions of people by just a click of the mouse. The time thus saved can be utilised for other matters associated with unity of the Hindus and protecting Dharma.
8A. Placing addresses of other organisations by every organisation on its website, ‘blog’ or social networking website
Every organisation which is active for the cause of Dharma belongs to us. If our organisation is not active in a particular region, we can give the addresses of other like-minded organisations active in that region on our website. That organisation will thus be associated with one of our organisations and we can achieve unity of Hindus, not only in a particular region, but all over the country.
8B. Publication of news on protecting Dharma, onslaughts on Hindus, denigration of Deities and national figures, agitations etc.
We can spread news about the onslaughts on Hindus, denigration of Deities and national figures etc. throughout the world in a moment. If the information is placed on our website or a ‘blog’, Hindus the world over can get complete information about developments that take place against the Hindus. Thereafter, further course of action can be decided and messages can be sent to each other accordingly. News on various Hindu websites and ‘blogs’ are posted on the website of HJS.
8C. Publishing activities of organisations active in the interest of Hindus
‘Forum for Hindu Awakening’ is performing the task of uniting Hindus overseas. Dharma Sabhas were organised by this organisation in USA, Canada, Australia etc. When the information about the Sabha was posted on HJS’ website, many Hindus were able to attend the Sabhas.
8D. Sending E-mails
We can collect E-mail addresses of the devout Hindus in our field, activists of organisations and their contacts and send them E-mails with information of our local activities, happenings and Dharmashikshan.
8E. Assistance from HJS
Hundreds of articles about the uniqueness of Hindu Dharma, Dharmashikshan and the glorious history of Hindus have been published, both in English and Hindi, on HJS’ website. Hundreds of articles will be shortly available in various languages. All these articles can be made available to all organisations for placing them on their websites or ‘blogs’.
9. Who can do actual Dharma prasar through the internet and how ?
9A. How can all Hindus, from students taking school education to devout senior citizens, participate in this ?
Since the internet is easily available, Hindu students, Hindu housewives and senior citizens who have pride in Dharma can participate in the task of Dharma prasar and protecting Dharma through the medium of E-mail and social networking websites like Facebook.
9B. How can Hindu activists perform the activities of protecting Dharma and uniting Hindus ?
If activists face adverse circumstances, they can contact each other instantly through this medium and find ways to solve their problems. Again, Hindu activists will find it easy to take review of their activities through the medium of E-mail, online spreadsheets etc. and it will streamline the mission for Dharma and simplify activities.
Activists residing in faraway places can plan any activity with the help of E-mail or Facebook and act accordingly. Through this medium, they can plan from the confines of their homes without coming together physically.
9C. How can activists living in far off villages participate ?
Hindus living alone in far off villages, who have enthusiasm to do something for Dharma can use all the above mentioned mediums and lend their helping hand in the mission of protecting Dharma and uniting Hindus. They can also invite organisations active in the close by region to their residence or office through the internet and arrange a programme associated with Hindu Dharma. If an organisation is unable to visit, Hindus can themselves use the matter available on the media of the Hindu organisations in their region, and start uniting local Hindus. (For example, studying the matter of Dharmashikshan available on HJS’ website and taking a class of Dharmashikshan for local Hindus etc.)
From ongoing discussion you must have realised that we must use the new medium of internet (which is very effective) for the purpose of protecting Dharma and uniting Hindus. As per the quote, ‘सङ्घे शक्तिः कलौ युगे ।’ meaning ‘in Kaliyug, true power lies in unity’, it is very important that for the establishing the Hindu Nation, all devout Hindus should remain united. Irrespective of which corner of the world we are in, we can always remain united through the medium of internet and can certainly write a new chapter in the progress of establishing the Hindu nation.
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