Socio-Cultural destabilisation of Arunachal Pradesh by insurgent groups and other anti national forces
B. B. Jamatia, President, Janjati Dharm Sanskriti Suraksha Manch
Janjati Dharm Sanskriti Suraksha Manch would like to draw your kind attention on the topic – “Christianity: For a New Status in Arunachal Pradesh”, published in ‘The Sentinel’ dated 19th March 2011 written by Wangpon Sabin, Ex-President of Tutsa Baptist Church Council, Arunachal Pradesh and also on the appeal of Arunachal Christian Forum published in a section of local media of Arunachal Pradesh on 19th March, 2011. In these writes-up, they have challenged the credence and relevance of Arunachal Pradesh Freedom of Religion Bill 1978. Not only that, they have sought to re-define the meaning of ‘indigenous faith’ and include Christianity also in the list of indigenous faith as because 40% population, as Wangpong Sabin claims, has been converted to Christianity. He says, “Today, it is estimated that more than 40% of the indigenous people of Arunachal Pradesh are practicing Christianity. This matter can no more be ignored or reverted. The religious faith and practices of more than 40% indigenous citizens of a state can no more be classified as “non-indigenous“. He says further – “Christianity is now as indigenous as Buddhism or Vaishnavism as mentioned in the Act, the only difference being that each of them was accepted by the indigenous people in different periods of history”. By saying that the church equates Christianity with Buddhism and Vaishnavism. The only difference is that Buddhism and Vaishnavism came little early and Christianity little later but the doctrines preached, as it appears from the silly arguments of Church, is all the same.
Here, I would like to state that whatever Wangpon Sabin has said is nothing but a tip of ice-berg of deeper conspiracy hatched by church and supported by foreign powers inimical to our country. After giving a small jerk, Church wants to watch the reaction from the govt and the civil society. If there is no reaction or little reaction with manageable intensity, then the church can go for next phase of their conspiracy. If there is strong reaction or opposition, the church will keep the implementation of their well-thought ‘plan’ in abeyance only to re-surface at such time a favorable govt in Itanagar is installed. Till then, the church in league with militant organizations and alien forces would work underground to over throw the constitutionally elected govt in Arunachal Pradesh and install such a govt headed by such a Chief Minister who would support Church conspiracy (i) of forcible conversion at gun-point and (ii) de-stabilize Central Government or (iii) at least influence the Central and State policies in favor of Christians by discriminating the Hindus.
This has happened in the past in January 1999 when Gegong Apang ministry was overthrown by NSCN (K) terrorists and Mukut Mithi govt was installed who soft-pedaled in favor of Church and conversion conspiracy. The Church was angry on Gegong Apang because he had passed Arunachal Pradesh Freedom of Religion Bill 1978 which coincided with the Freedom of Religion Bill 1978 brought over by Om Prakash Tyagi in the Parliament headed by Morarji Desai. With a view to defy and express her tough opposition to Arunachal Pradesh Freedom of Religion Bill 1978 and Inner Line Permit, the Church brought Mother Teresa - the international humanitarian mask of Church and Nobel Prize winner for conversion through service to leprosy patients and a Bharat Ratna (?) awarded by Indira Gandhi to appease Christians. But to her misfortune, she was stopped at the Bandardeva Gate by Arunachal Pradesh police. The infuriated red-faced Mother (?) of Christians called upon the international community to teach a lesson to Gegong Apang for not allowing her to enter into Arunachal Pradesh. The international Church agencies and their supporters in USA, UK, France, Australia and other Christian countries did respond at once. But of no avail. She had to return from the Bandardeva police check-post. She rushed then to Morarji Desai. Morarji Bhai told her in no uncertain terms, “When the people of Arunachal Pradesh do not want you to visit the state, what is the need for you to force visit the state?.” When she started narrating her service mission, Morarji simply said, “Service and conversion cannot go together”. The Bishop of Dibrugarh said angrily,” To serve the people of Arunachal, we, the missionaries, are not required to enter the state.” Since then onward, the church opened several schools and hostels in Assam near Arunachal boundary for Arunachalee students. They sent students at Shillong and elsewhere. And they converted Arunachalees, started mission work inside the Assam state bordering Arunachal Pradesh. Today, Church claims that 40% people of Arunachal Pradesh have been converted. Some of these Christians act as host of hostile elements. It may be recalled that on 3rd May 1978, the Church had organized a massive protest rallies throughout the country. In Nagaland, it became a joint protest rallies organized by church but actively joined by Naga National Council (NNC) terrorists, and all the politicians- ruling and opposition in Nagaland. Naga Student Federation (NSF) acted as overground wing of under-ground, its volunteers forced even each and every non Naga Hindu to join the protest march. The speaker after the speaker spilled venom against the country. While addressing the protest rally in Kohima local ground, Vamuzo – a former Brigadier in NNC army and then a political stalwart in the Nagaland said, “Pass the bill and divide the country”. Similar drama was enacted by the League of Church, terrorists and politicians in Aizawl and Shillong. There was a peace in rest part of NE region as because there were no or less Christians.
During Mukut Mithi regime, the Church had a hey day in Arunachal. Today, two bishops – one at Itanagar and other at Miao – near China border are supervising the conversion crusade. Over and above, the Baptist Church is over-active in Arunachal Pradesh, more so in Tirap and Changlong districts with the help of NSCN (IM), NSCN (K) and Nagaland Baptists Church Council (NBCC). The Naga politicians and Naga Churches are sending Naga missionaries in this area so that Changlong and Tirap can be merged in Greater Nagaland. The Church has formed Arunachal Naga Liberation Front (ANLF) who is working on this line. ANLF terrorists are being trained by NSCN (IM) in Herbon Camp near Dimapur.
In the year 2003, the nexus of Church and NSCN (IM) hijacked the assembly election in Nagaland. They directed the voters at gun point to defeat Congress ministry headed by Lokshree Dr. S. C. Jamir and vote for Naga People’s Front headed by Neiphiu Rio. As a result, Jamir lost and Neiphiu Rio formed the government. Immediately after sworning ceremony, the Neiphiu Rio Govt resolved to pay rupees 60 Lakhs to church for ‘service (?) activities. Nagaland Government paid rupees 18 crores to various church organizations meant for Sarva Shiksha Abhiyaan. With this enormous money, the Nagaland churches are sponsoring Naga missionaries and establishing various churches in Arunachal Pradesh. ANLF terrorists are also getting their share from NBCC.
On 7th March 2011, NSCN (K) Supremo S S Khaplang has warned the ministers and legislators of Changlong and Tirap districts of “dire consequences” if they did not withdraw support to Dorjee Khandu Govt by 10th March 2011. NSCN (K) accused Dorjee Khandu of being the “killer of Naga People of Tirap and Changlong districts. NSCN (K) did not do this at its own. The Church is behind this game.
One Wangdong Chaktey, Central Intelligence Officer of NSCN (K) served a threat letter dated 4th January 2011 to President, Central Rongfra Administrative Council (CRAC), Tirap and Changlong districts of Arunachal Pradesh in which the terrorist outfit has ordered the followers of Rangfra religion to stop all the socio-cultural and religion promotion activities of Rangsohom (Rangfra mandir) of Kothum village of Tirap district including Lazu circle and whole of the Changlang district. The outfit has ordered that non-compliance of his order would invite a dire consequence. NSCN (K) has banned the construction and repair of Rongfra mandirs in all the villages under their command. The priest, Wangjam Chaktey, 75, was tied in a post, tortured for four hours on January11. Again on February 1, 2011, Kamjam Hamphuk, Secretary of Rongfra Administrative Council of Kothum village was kidnapped and retained in their designated camp for six days till Feb 6. He was thoroughly beaten and was released only when Rs 65 thousand in cash was paid and a pig worth rupees 10 thousand was given to him. This harassment was meted out with an intention of converting the Rongfra followers into Christianity and integrating both districts - Tirap and Changlang into greater Nagaland. Earlier, similar threat letter was issued by NSCN (K) on October 30, 2011. Now also, most of the villages are under the control either of NSCN (K) or of NSCN (IM). They are not allowing villagers to move out even for their ‘kheti’ work. On January 14 this year, the Chief of Ozakho villages, Awang Wangs, the only son of his parents was shot dead. A decade ago, his father was also shot dead by Naga terrorists. But under protective cover of NSCN (K) and NSCN (IM), the Naga Christian missionaries are masquerading as peace makers with Bible in one hand and AK-47 in the other. It may be noted that the Naga Christian missionaries are in both the factions-NSCN (IM) and NSCN (K), working for the extension of sphere of “Nagaland for Christ”. The official logos of both the factions bear prominently the slogan-“Nagaland for Christ” signaling that Christianity is the only recognized religion in the area of their control.
On 13th May 2010, Lingam Hakhun Naga alias Lamba Chool Wala, the area Commander of NSCN (IM) called a meeting of Gaon Burhas and village elders along with people of all the 12 villages of Tikhak community in Putok I village in which village elders and other people of Motongsa, Longchong, Putok I, Putok II, Putok III and other seven surrounding villages participated. Lingam belonged to Hakhun Naga Community living in the villages in the bordering areas of Arunachal’s Changlong district and Assam. The meeting place was surrounded by twenty four armed terrorist of NSCN (IM) displaying their lethal fire arms. Lingam cursed that all the followers of Buddha would go to eternal hell-fire and that all of the villagers had to convert to Christianity if they wished to attain salvation. He cautioned that all followers of Buddhism must convert to Christianity failing which the villagers should be prepared to face dire consequence. NSCN (IM) had banned the celebration of Buddha Purnima in May 2010. The Tikhak Community faced the challenge boldly and saved the people from Church onslaught. In 2008, a lady was burnt to death as she refused to convert and the Ao Naga missionary was arrested for committing this heinous crime. The nexus between Church and terrorist organizations are no secret.
In South Africa, the Negros who followed their indigenous faith-Voodoo religion, were slaughtered by white missionaries. In Britain, the British who followed their indigenous faith - Dhrud religion were persecuted by Church. In USA, the janjatis - Cheroki, Inca, Maya and Aztec who followed their indigenous faith and Mayan Civilization and refused to convert to Christianity, were killed en-mass and their gold were looted in tons. When Indonesia refused to be subjugated to western Church masters, an Indonesian Christian convert-Jose Ramos Horta and Carlos Bello- the Bishop of East Timor were helped to cause mass- uprising resulting into vivisection of Indonesia creating a Christian country-East Timor. Jose Ramos Horta and Bishop Carlos Bello were awarded Nobel Peace Prize for causing unrest in Indonesia. Similarly, Aung Sang Sui Kyi of Myanmar is a Christian married to an American. This lady has been awarded Nobel Peace Prize for disturbing peace and spearheading mass-movement in Myanmar. The Human Rights organizations which are the creation of Church are spreading the malicious propaganda against the elected government.
Our country Bharatvarsh is strong enough to counter Church conspiracy. Still, the west managed to award Nobel Prize to Mother Teresa for converting lakhs of people in our country under the mask of social service to leprosy patients in Kolkata. No wonder, if USA-UK combine manages to award Nobel prizes to Phizo, S.S.Khaplang, Th. Muivah and Isak Chishi Swu for waging war on our country with the help of international Church organizations.
There is clear evidence which confirms that scores of international Christian organizations are backing terrorism and separatist movements in Northeast Bharatvarsh. The Church backed organizations are providing funds, arms and ammunitions with the aim of creating a separate Christian state. The priests, pastors and church leaders act as spy.
National Liberation Front of Tripura (NLFT) was founded in 1989 by Christian converts and since its inception the NLFT has been engaged in an armed struggle to carve out a separate Christian country-Tripura. The forced conversions at gun point are irrefutably linked to the combine of NLFT and Baptist Church.
In Nagaland, Rev. Michael Scott- a British missionary was friend, philosopher and guide of Phizo- the President of Naga National Council (NNC). NSCN (IM) and NSCN (K) of Nagaland are managed by Christians with open support of Church. Because of Naga terrorism, over 40,000 innocent people have been killed. NSCN (IM) has its offices in New York, Geneva and Hague. The letter head, seals and its logo read-“Nagaland for Christ”. It has links with international Church organizations, ISI of Pakistan and Maoists of China. It has bases in Bangladesh, Myanmar and China. Isak Chishi Swu declared at Boveralli USA four years ago that NSCN (IM) was working to send 10,000 Baptist missionaries in neighboring states of Bharat and neighboring countries as well to spread the gospel preached by Prince of Peace-Jesus Christ. Reverend Merüpfü Kent- a fanatic Naga Baptist missionary was the chairman of NNC. Now also, Forum for Naga Reconciliation (FNR) is headed by Rev (Dr.) Wati Aier who is an Ao Naga and Vice President of Baptist World Alliance (BWA) in charge of Southeast Asia. He was a missionary in USA and other foreign country. Recently, he received Baptist World Alliance Human Rights Award conferred by Baptist World Alliance (BWA) for uniting NSCN (IM), NSCN (K) and NNC and bringing proper alliance with Church.
In Meghalaya, the Church has converted almost 80% of Khasi and Jaintia population. The other 20% Khasis are still following the Nian Khasi religion and 20% of Jaintias are following the Niantre religion. The Church birthed Henewtrep National Liberation Council (HNLC) - a Christian terrorist outfits which agitates for separate Meghalaya ‘country’. Rejoy Singh Khongsha- a Khasi leader was abducted and killed by North East Red Army- a Church outfit. The Presbyterian Church of Mizoram created Mizo National Front (MNF) headed by Laldenga which killed thousands of innocent people in quest of attaining ‘freedom’ from Bharatvarsh. In Manipur, Church is funding almost all terrorist organizations. Here, Church is now bringing Korean missionaries to attract Meitei Hindus. The church buildings are coming up everywhere in Manipur when the state is burning in the flame of insurgency. The church is also found associated with smuggling and circulation of arms and fake currency notes across the border.
Hon’ble Sir, it will be seen from the fact narrated above that church works (i) through terrorism (ii) by influencing educated class through propaganda in media and educational institutions and (iii) by planting such politicians in ruling party who advance church agenda.
The destructive intension of Arunachal Christian Forum and Tutsa Baptist Church Council backed by church sponsored terrorist outfit - Arunachal Naga Liberation Front (ANLF) is very clear in their demand either to repeal Arunachal Pradesh Freedom of Religion Bill 1978 or to amend it suitably to include Christianity as indigenous religion of Arunachalees or to exclude Buddhism and Vaishnavism from the list of indigenous religions of Arunachal Pradesh. If the church is succeeded in their game plan, Arunachal Pradesh will become Nagaland where the Church controls the political leaders, terrorist outfits like NSCN (IM), NSCN (K) and NNC, Civic organizations like Naga Hoho, Naga Student Federation (NSF), Naga Mother Association (NMA) and thousands of overground and underground NGOs. The Civil Liberties and freedom of speech of common mass are hijacked and only the diktats of church pronounced through terrorist organizations and sponsored political organizations, rules the rouste. The Church will also ruin the cultural identity inherited from our forefathers.
It is, therefore, humbly requested that rules for Arunachal Pradesh Freedom of Religion Bill 1978 be framed and implemented strictly so that the innocent Arunachalees are protected from Church onslaught. It is also requested to institute a high power judicial inquiry commission headed by a retired justice of a High Court to investigate the subversive activities of Church in Arunachal Pradesh.
Article is based on the letter sent by Shri B.B. Jamatia to Prime Minister of India on March 26, 2011.
Source: Haindava Keralam
B. B. Jamatia, President, Janjati Dharm Sanskriti Suraksha Manch
Janjati Dharm Sanskriti Suraksha Manch would like to draw your kind attention on the topic – “Christianity: For a New Status in Arunachal Pradesh”, published in ‘The Sentinel’ dated 19th March 2011 written by Wangpon Sabin, Ex-President of Tutsa Baptist Church Council, Arunachal Pradesh and also on the appeal of Arunachal Christian Forum published in a section of local media of Arunachal Pradesh on 19th March, 2011. In these writes-up, they have challenged the credence and relevance of Arunachal Pradesh Freedom of Religion Bill 1978. Not only that, they have sought to re-define the meaning of ‘indigenous faith’ and include Christianity also in the list of indigenous faith as because 40% population, as Wangpong Sabin claims, has been converted to Christianity. He says, “Today, it is estimated that more than 40% of the indigenous people of Arunachal Pradesh are practicing Christianity. This matter can no more be ignored or reverted. The religious faith and practices of more than 40% indigenous citizens of a state can no more be classified as “non-indigenous“. He says further – “Christianity is now as indigenous as Buddhism or Vaishnavism as mentioned in the Act, the only difference being that each of them was accepted by the indigenous people in different periods of history”. By saying that the church equates Christianity with Buddhism and Vaishnavism. The only difference is that Buddhism and Vaishnavism came little early and Christianity little later but the doctrines preached, as it appears from the silly arguments of Church, is all the same.
Here, I would like to state that whatever Wangpon Sabin has said is nothing but a tip of ice-berg of deeper conspiracy hatched by church and supported by foreign powers inimical to our country. After giving a small jerk, Church wants to watch the reaction from the govt and the civil society. If there is no reaction or little reaction with manageable intensity, then the church can go for next phase of their conspiracy. If there is strong reaction or opposition, the church will keep the implementation of their well-thought ‘plan’ in abeyance only to re-surface at such time a favorable govt in Itanagar is installed. Till then, the church in league with militant organizations and alien forces would work underground to over throw the constitutionally elected govt in Arunachal Pradesh and install such a govt headed by such a Chief Minister who would support Church conspiracy (i) of forcible conversion at gun-point and (ii) de-stabilize Central Government or (iii) at least influence the Central and State policies in favor of Christians by discriminating the Hindus.
This has happened in the past in January 1999 when Gegong Apang ministry was overthrown by NSCN (K) terrorists and Mukut Mithi govt was installed who soft-pedaled in favor of Church and conversion conspiracy. The Church was angry on Gegong Apang because he had passed Arunachal Pradesh Freedom of Religion Bill 1978 which coincided with the Freedom of Religion Bill 1978 brought over by Om Prakash Tyagi in the Parliament headed by Morarji Desai. With a view to defy and express her tough opposition to Arunachal Pradesh Freedom of Religion Bill 1978 and Inner Line Permit, the Church brought Mother Teresa - the international humanitarian mask of Church and Nobel Prize winner for conversion through service to leprosy patients and a Bharat Ratna (?) awarded by Indira Gandhi to appease Christians. But to her misfortune, she was stopped at the Bandardeva Gate by Arunachal Pradesh police. The infuriated red-faced Mother (?) of Christians called upon the international community to teach a lesson to Gegong Apang for not allowing her to enter into Arunachal Pradesh. The international Church agencies and their supporters in USA, UK, France, Australia and other Christian countries did respond at once. But of no avail. She had to return from the Bandardeva police check-post. She rushed then to Morarji Desai. Morarji Bhai told her in no uncertain terms, “When the people of Arunachal Pradesh do not want you to visit the state, what is the need for you to force visit the state?.” When she started narrating her service mission, Morarji simply said, “Service and conversion cannot go together”. The Bishop of Dibrugarh said angrily,” To serve the people of Arunachal, we, the missionaries, are not required to enter the state.” Since then onward, the church opened several schools and hostels in Assam near Arunachal boundary for Arunachalee students. They sent students at Shillong and elsewhere. And they converted Arunachalees, started mission work inside the Assam state bordering Arunachal Pradesh. Today, Church claims that 40% people of Arunachal Pradesh have been converted. Some of these Christians act as host of hostile elements. It may be recalled that on 3rd May 1978, the Church had organized a massive protest rallies throughout the country. In Nagaland, it became a joint protest rallies organized by church but actively joined by Naga National Council (NNC) terrorists, and all the politicians- ruling and opposition in Nagaland. Naga Student Federation (NSF) acted as overground wing of under-ground, its volunteers forced even each and every non Naga Hindu to join the protest march. The speaker after the speaker spilled venom against the country. While addressing the protest rally in Kohima local ground, Vamuzo – a former Brigadier in NNC army and then a political stalwart in the Nagaland said, “Pass the bill and divide the country”. Similar drama was enacted by the League of Church, terrorists and politicians in Aizawl and Shillong. There was a peace in rest part of NE region as because there were no or less Christians.
During Mukut Mithi regime, the Church had a hey day in Arunachal. Today, two bishops – one at Itanagar and other at Miao – near China border are supervising the conversion crusade. Over and above, the Baptist Church is over-active in Arunachal Pradesh, more so in Tirap and Changlong districts with the help of NSCN (IM), NSCN (K) and Nagaland Baptists Church Council (NBCC). The Naga politicians and Naga Churches are sending Naga missionaries in this area so that Changlong and Tirap can be merged in Greater Nagaland. The Church has formed Arunachal Naga Liberation Front (ANLF) who is working on this line. ANLF terrorists are being trained by NSCN (IM) in Herbon Camp near Dimapur.
In the year 2003, the nexus of Church and NSCN (IM) hijacked the assembly election in Nagaland. They directed the voters at gun point to defeat Congress ministry headed by Lokshree Dr. S. C. Jamir and vote for Naga People’s Front headed by Neiphiu Rio. As a result, Jamir lost and Neiphiu Rio formed the government. Immediately after sworning ceremony, the Neiphiu Rio Govt resolved to pay rupees 60 Lakhs to church for ‘service (?) activities. Nagaland Government paid rupees 18 crores to various church organizations meant for Sarva Shiksha Abhiyaan. With this enormous money, the Nagaland churches are sponsoring Naga missionaries and establishing various churches in Arunachal Pradesh. ANLF terrorists are also getting their share from NBCC.
On 7th March 2011, NSCN (K) Supremo S S Khaplang has warned the ministers and legislators of Changlong and Tirap districts of “dire consequences” if they did not withdraw support to Dorjee Khandu Govt by 10th March 2011. NSCN (K) accused Dorjee Khandu of being the “killer of Naga People of Tirap and Changlong districts. NSCN (K) did not do this at its own. The Church is behind this game.
One Wangdong Chaktey, Central Intelligence Officer of NSCN (K) served a threat letter dated 4th January 2011 to President, Central Rongfra Administrative Council (CRAC), Tirap and Changlong districts of Arunachal Pradesh in which the terrorist outfit has ordered the followers of Rangfra religion to stop all the socio-cultural and religion promotion activities of Rangsohom (Rangfra mandir) of Kothum village of Tirap district including Lazu circle and whole of the Changlang district. The outfit has ordered that non-compliance of his order would invite a dire consequence. NSCN (K) has banned the construction and repair of Rongfra mandirs in all the villages under their command. The priest, Wangjam Chaktey, 75, was tied in a post, tortured for four hours on January11. Again on February 1, 2011, Kamjam Hamphuk, Secretary of Rongfra Administrative Council of Kothum village was kidnapped and retained in their designated camp for six days till Feb 6. He was thoroughly beaten and was released only when Rs 65 thousand in cash was paid and a pig worth rupees 10 thousand was given to him. This harassment was meted out with an intention of converting the Rongfra followers into Christianity and integrating both districts - Tirap and Changlang into greater Nagaland. Earlier, similar threat letter was issued by NSCN (K) on October 30, 2011. Now also, most of the villages are under the control either of NSCN (K) or of NSCN (IM). They are not allowing villagers to move out even for their ‘kheti’ work. On January 14 this year, the Chief of Ozakho villages, Awang Wangs, the only son of his parents was shot dead. A decade ago, his father was also shot dead by Naga terrorists. But under protective cover of NSCN (K) and NSCN (IM), the Naga Christian missionaries are masquerading as peace makers with Bible in one hand and AK-47 in the other. It may be noted that the Naga Christian missionaries are in both the factions-NSCN (IM) and NSCN (K), working for the extension of sphere of “Nagaland for Christ”. The official logos of both the factions bear prominently the slogan-“Nagaland for Christ” signaling that Christianity is the only recognized religion in the area of their control.
On 13th May 2010, Lingam Hakhun Naga alias Lamba Chool Wala, the area Commander of NSCN (IM) called a meeting of Gaon Burhas and village elders along with people of all the 12 villages of Tikhak community in Putok I village in which village elders and other people of Motongsa, Longchong, Putok I, Putok II, Putok III and other seven surrounding villages participated. Lingam belonged to Hakhun Naga Community living in the villages in the bordering areas of Arunachal’s Changlong district and Assam. The meeting place was surrounded by twenty four armed terrorist of NSCN (IM) displaying their lethal fire arms. Lingam cursed that all the followers of Buddha would go to eternal hell-fire and that all of the villagers had to convert to Christianity if they wished to attain salvation. He cautioned that all followers of Buddhism must convert to Christianity failing which the villagers should be prepared to face dire consequence. NSCN (IM) had banned the celebration of Buddha Purnima in May 2010. The Tikhak Community faced the challenge boldly and saved the people from Church onslaught. In 2008, a lady was burnt to death as she refused to convert and the Ao Naga missionary was arrested for committing this heinous crime. The nexus between Church and terrorist organizations are no secret.
In South Africa, the Negros who followed their indigenous faith-Voodoo religion, were slaughtered by white missionaries. In Britain, the British who followed their indigenous faith - Dhrud religion were persecuted by Church. In USA, the janjatis - Cheroki, Inca, Maya and Aztec who followed their indigenous faith and Mayan Civilization and refused to convert to Christianity, were killed en-mass and their gold were looted in tons. When Indonesia refused to be subjugated to western Church masters, an Indonesian Christian convert-Jose Ramos Horta and Carlos Bello- the Bishop of East Timor were helped to cause mass- uprising resulting into vivisection of Indonesia creating a Christian country-East Timor. Jose Ramos Horta and Bishop Carlos Bello were awarded Nobel Peace Prize for causing unrest in Indonesia. Similarly, Aung Sang Sui Kyi of Myanmar is a Christian married to an American. This lady has been awarded Nobel Peace Prize for disturbing peace and spearheading mass-movement in Myanmar. The Human Rights organizations which are the creation of Church are spreading the malicious propaganda against the elected government.
Our country Bharatvarsh is strong enough to counter Church conspiracy. Still, the west managed to award Nobel Prize to Mother Teresa for converting lakhs of people in our country under the mask of social service to leprosy patients in Kolkata. No wonder, if USA-UK combine manages to award Nobel prizes to Phizo, S.S.Khaplang, Th. Muivah and Isak Chishi Swu for waging war on our country with the help of international Church organizations.
There is clear evidence which confirms that scores of international Christian organizations are backing terrorism and separatist movements in Northeast Bharatvarsh. The Church backed organizations are providing funds, arms and ammunitions with the aim of creating a separate Christian state. The priests, pastors and church leaders act as spy.
National Liberation Front of Tripura (NLFT) was founded in 1989 by Christian converts and since its inception the NLFT has been engaged in an armed struggle to carve out a separate Christian country-Tripura. The forced conversions at gun point are irrefutably linked to the combine of NLFT and Baptist Church.
In Nagaland, Rev. Michael Scott- a British missionary was friend, philosopher and guide of Phizo- the President of Naga National Council (NNC). NSCN (IM) and NSCN (K) of Nagaland are managed by Christians with open support of Church. Because of Naga terrorism, over 40,000 innocent people have been killed. NSCN (IM) has its offices in New York, Geneva and Hague. The letter head, seals and its logo read-“Nagaland for Christ”. It has links with international Church organizations, ISI of Pakistan and Maoists of China. It has bases in Bangladesh, Myanmar and China. Isak Chishi Swu declared at Boveralli USA four years ago that NSCN (IM) was working to send 10,000 Baptist missionaries in neighboring states of Bharat and neighboring countries as well to spread the gospel preached by Prince of Peace-Jesus Christ. Reverend Merüpfü Kent- a fanatic Naga Baptist missionary was the chairman of NNC. Now also, Forum for Naga Reconciliation (FNR) is headed by Rev (Dr.) Wati Aier who is an Ao Naga and Vice President of Baptist World Alliance (BWA) in charge of Southeast Asia. He was a missionary in USA and other foreign country. Recently, he received Baptist World Alliance Human Rights Award conferred by Baptist World Alliance (BWA) for uniting NSCN (IM), NSCN (K) and NNC and bringing proper alliance with Church.
In Meghalaya, the Church has converted almost 80% of Khasi and Jaintia population. The other 20% Khasis are still following the Nian Khasi religion and 20% of Jaintias are following the Niantre religion. The Church birthed Henewtrep National Liberation Council (HNLC) - a Christian terrorist outfits which agitates for separate Meghalaya ‘country’. Rejoy Singh Khongsha- a Khasi leader was abducted and killed by North East Red Army- a Church outfit. The Presbyterian Church of Mizoram created Mizo National Front (MNF) headed by Laldenga which killed thousands of innocent people in quest of attaining ‘freedom’ from Bharatvarsh. In Manipur, Church is funding almost all terrorist organizations. Here, Church is now bringing Korean missionaries to attract Meitei Hindus. The church buildings are coming up everywhere in Manipur when the state is burning in the flame of insurgency. The church is also found associated with smuggling and circulation of arms and fake currency notes across the border.
Hon’ble Sir, it will be seen from the fact narrated above that church works (i) through terrorism (ii) by influencing educated class through propaganda in media and educational institutions and (iii) by planting such politicians in ruling party who advance church agenda.
The destructive intension of Arunachal Christian Forum and Tutsa Baptist Church Council backed by church sponsored terrorist outfit - Arunachal Naga Liberation Front (ANLF) is very clear in their demand either to repeal Arunachal Pradesh Freedom of Religion Bill 1978 or to amend it suitably to include Christianity as indigenous religion of Arunachalees or to exclude Buddhism and Vaishnavism from the list of indigenous religions of Arunachal Pradesh. If the church is succeeded in their game plan, Arunachal Pradesh will become Nagaland where the Church controls the political leaders, terrorist outfits like NSCN (IM), NSCN (K) and NNC, Civic organizations like Naga Hoho, Naga Student Federation (NSF), Naga Mother Association (NMA) and thousands of overground and underground NGOs. The Civil Liberties and freedom of speech of common mass are hijacked and only the diktats of church pronounced through terrorist organizations and sponsored political organizations, rules the rouste. The Church will also ruin the cultural identity inherited from our forefathers.
It is, therefore, humbly requested that rules for Arunachal Pradesh Freedom of Religion Bill 1978 be framed and implemented strictly so that the innocent Arunachalees are protected from Church onslaught. It is also requested to institute a high power judicial inquiry commission headed by a retired justice of a High Court to investigate the subversive activities of Church in Arunachal Pradesh.
Article is based on the letter sent by Shri B.B. Jamatia to Prime Minister of India on March 26, 2011.
Source: Haindava Keralam
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