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Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Indus Valley Script

Close resemblance of Easter Island and Indus Valley Script The Hindu and Buddhist cultures in Indonesia gradually extended to Polynesia through tradesmen and preachers of Indonesia some of whom might have settled down in Polynesia and were called the Arii or the Aryans. Dr. E. S. Cragihill Handy describes the story of Polynesian culture as "a mere index to Indian history." Author of the 'Ancient Voyagers in Polynesia' is of opinion that Polynesian ancestors came from the west through the waters between Buru and Yap to eastern New Guinea and the Melanesian island and thence to Polynesia by a slow succession of West-East voyage. The hypothesis of Indian contact with the Polynesians is strengthened by the discovery of the Easter Island scripts which closely resemble the scripts of the Indus Valley civilization. Easter Island script and Indus Valley scripts compared. (image source: The Indians And The Amerindians - By Dr. S. Chakravarti). Refer to India once ruled the Americas! – By Gene D Matlock *** William Ellis, the well-known missionary and author of Polynesian Researches, has commented on the coincidences in language, mythology, etc. of the Polynesians with those of the Hindus, the natives of Madagascar, and the Americans. Bishop Heber, an authority on the Hindus stated "that many things which he saw among the inhabitants of India reminded him of the plates in Cook's Voyages" Recently, an Indian scholar, B. C. Chhabra, in his Vestiges of Indian Culture in Hawaii, has noticed certain resemblances between the symbols found in the petroglyohs from the Hawaiian Islands and those on the Harappan seals. Some of the symbols in the petroglyphs are described as akin to early Brahmi script. The Meitei word 'Atea' of Manipur which means 'All Powerful Sky God' is found in New Zealand and some other Polynesian island with out any change in sound or meaning. In Hawaii island, 'Atea' has become 'Wakea.' (source: The Indians And The Amerindians - By Dr. B. Chakravarti Self-Employment Bureau Publication Calcutta p. 125-151). Edward Tregear, former President of the Polynesian Society, is cited by William Churchill, "Polynesian Wandering" (Carnegie Institution, 1911), p. 20 as stating the generally accepted view of Polynesian scholars to be that the Polynesians came from India, or from central Asia through India. (source: The Ayar-Incas - By Miles Poindexter published by Horace Liveright New York 1930 Volume II p. 260). Characters similar to those on the Indus seals have also been found on tablets excavated from Easter Island. This discovery has presented a difficult problem for the pre-historian. It is not known if the two belong to a common source, if one provided the model for the other, or if the similarity is purely accidental due to in accuracies of drawing. If the Indus models traveled about 13,000 miles eastward, it seems strange that the characters should have remained unaltered, because figures generally do not remain identical during prolonged transmission. And, if the seals were actually made in the Indus Valley and taken to the Easter Island, what is the explanation for the difference in arrangement between the two groups of seals? (source: Indian and World Civilization - By D. P. Singhal p. 4). The Easter Island “alphabet” a series of curling lines and half pictures on wooden tablets, show a surprising resemblance to the Indus Valley script used in the large cities of Mohenjo Daro and Harappa more than 5,000 years ago. A comparison of the Easter Island and Indus Valley scripts offer rather convincing visual evidence that they are related but, since the Indus Valley script has not been deciphered either, the mystery of their relationship and their meaning is as deep as ever. ..Its similarity to the ancient Indian script constitutes a remarkable written language link between the Old and New Worlds across the Pacific…
Photo: its still mysterious statue... which are curved with laser....belived to be a sky god... Yes we do its US... HINDUSTANIS
Photo: do u find any diffrence??? west belive easter island was home of anvanced civilization who came from the sky...Thats US...we HINDUS went thier with our vimanas..


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