Caste system was initiated by Manu with valid scientific basis. We all know that white people look different than blacks of Africa. And Chinese are different in looks than Europeans and Africans. It is the genes which change the physical appearances. They also change the natural instincts. Therefore all the races are different in their behaviour, natural instincts, and mental capabilities because of genes which they inherit. In Hindus also, there are four major castes. Each caste is different in mental and physcial capabilities which come through inherited genes. The environment also somewhat, in a limited way, affects and modifies a person's behaviour and appearance. A person from Asia, who would live in Europe for a long time may look and behave like a European. But a African black who may live in America may not look like a white American even after centuries. Therefore the inherited genes have an indelible influence on how you would look and conduct.
Though Hinduism has a caste system as originated by Manu, ancient Indian sage, it was never meant to create discrimination. A so called low caste person was not subjected to social boycott or discrimination in ancient India. Caste system was just a method of allotting social responsibilities on the basis of natural instincts of the majority of people of that caste. Later on over the centuries, upper castes were overtaken by their greed to take political and economic control of society and started discrimination against so called lower castes. Since divide and rule is the easiest form of politics to take charge of society, the four major castes were divided into countless sub-castes, each considering itself superior to others. This division is not unique to Hinduism. Christianity and Islam were also divided by selfish leaders into countless groups, each fighting with other, to take control of society and its wealth, thus forgetting the very message of religion.

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