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Sunday 16 December 2012

Support death penalty to terrorist Mohd. Afzal

Support death penalty to terrorist Mohd. Afzal

Online E-Letter & Signature drive

Mohd. Afzal Guru, the terrorist played a leading role in the joint attack by the Lashkar-e-Toiba (LET) and the Jaish-e-Mohammad (JEM) of Pakistan on the Indian Parliament on 13 December, 2001. The terrorists in this brutal attack had killed seven members of the security force, including a lady constable.
Supreme Court has ordered that Mohammed Afzal be hanged on October 20. He was charged with concealing the conspiracy of the attack on Parliament. Today, Kashmiri Muslims are holding a massive protest against the death sentence to the terrorist Afzal. Chief Minister Ghulam Nabi Azad of the Congress, Communist and local groups have come out in support of Afzal. Now to show that people of this Nation seek mercy for Afzal, these groups have decided to initiate a nation-wide signature campaign. The Jammu and Kashmir Coalition of Civil Society (JKCCS) has launched a signature campaign to mobilize public support for Mohd. Afzal Guru. The media, academics, various NGOs, students and other representatives of the society have participated in the launch ceremony.
If you think this is a grossly incorrect act and there should be no revision of death penalty, you can register your protest by sending an automated e-letter to President and thereby participating in this online signature drive, which would truly be the Voice of the people supporting the Supreme Court.

Signature Drive

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  Count of protestors: 29090
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Other Highlights

Police records of Afzal

According to the police, Mohammad Afzal dropped out of Jhelum Valley Medical College where he was studying medicine and crossed the LoC in 1990 for arms training and returned the following year.
  • According to police records, Afzal was a JKLF militant before he surrendered to the BSF at Sopore in 1993.
  • In a Newspaper appeal, his wife Tabassum claims that the BSF used him to help track down other militants.
  • She also claims Kashmir' Special Operation Group enlisted his services.
    In 1994 Afzal moved to Delhi where he started a fruit business. He was arrested and released after a week.
  • In 2000 he moved to Delhi again, restarting his business, where he was arrested again for providing a house, cars and other help to the terrorists who attacked the Parliament.

Plea of relatives of death victims

'Seeing the support from Human rights and political groups for a terrorist, we feel cheated. This is not what my father laid down his life for.' - Sunder Singh Patel, son of Delhi Police head constable Ghanshayam Patel, who lost his life defending the Parliament house.
A shocked Awdesh Kumar, whose wife Kamlesh Kumari, a CRPF constable, was killed in the attack, said 'he (Guru) was involved in the attack on Parliament. His role was established and the trial took place from a lower court to the Supreme Court. Now why all of a sudden, the Human rights groups and political parties have started raising their voice?'

Kashmir CM supports terrorist

Chief Minister of Jammu and Kashmir, Ghulam Nabi Azad has lent support to the demand that Mohammad Afzal Guru, sentenced to death for the 2001 terror attack on the Indian Parliament, be pardoned. Azad has asked Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to intervene to get a Presidential pardon for 'Guru'. Citing public sentiment in Kashmir Valley as the reason, he has Mr. Manmohan Singh to use his good offices to obtain a Presidential clemency for 'Guru'.

Shameless Congress and Communists

The Congress has said that it neither endorsed nor rejected CM Azad's stand and skirted queries. Why Congress needs special consideration over the issue? The CPI-M has openly supported terrorist Afzal and demanded to review the verdict.

Fake Sympathy of our Home minister

'A sad chapter would have been written in Indian history, if the security forces had not shown extreme valour and alertness in foiling the attack [on Parliament].' - Union Home Minister Shivraj Patil, Congress ('The Hindu', 10 April 2006)

Related stories and references:

Open Letter by Nationalist Shri. Upananda Brhamachari !new!
Afzal case: Victims families to return Ashok Chakra

An Open letter to the President of India
Afzal execution may be deferred
Politicians of Jammu & Kashmir seek mercy for Afzal Guru
Chronology of events - The Attack on Parliament
Parliament attack: Victim families want Afzal hanged


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