‘Innocence of Muslims’ sparks protest in Kolkata. Employees evacuated from Kolkata US Consulate office.
Posted by hinduexistence on September 28, 2012
Kolkata: Unity of Jihadis, Blocked Roads, Paralysed City. Largest gathering of Muslims so far against “Innocence of Muslims”. Photo Courtesy: Pratidin.
Muslims invaded Kolkata to protest over anti-Islam Film and marched towards in US Consulate Office to frighten all concerned .
The protestors, belonging to Muslim organisations, including All India Minorities Forum (AIMF), All-Bengal Minorities Youth Federation, All Bengal Minority Council, Furfura Sarrif Seva Foundation, Sunnatul Jamayet Committee, All India Milli Council, Jamiate Ulemaye Bangla, Furfura Sharif Minority Committee, West Bengal Madrasha Union and some 12-14 other fundamental Muslim groups, broke barricades, street decors and tried to approach the highly-fortified American Centre on Chowringee, but were stopped some distance away tactfully, police sources said. However, the huge gathering forced the Consulate authorities to evacuate all the employees of this American high office to avoid any untoward incidents.
The protest grid-locked traffic bumper-to-bumper on Chowringhee and C R avenue in central Kolkata and had a ripple effect elsewhere, including the south and the north in the Kolkata metropolis.
The protesters raised the slogans against the American, Israel and Indian authorities in a row for their blasphemous and Anti Islamic activities as alleged. They demanded immediate ban on the impugned anti Islamic film as well as prosecute the makers of the film which tampered the character of Prophet Mohammad. The protesters carried the placards demanding the ” DEATH OF BARACK OBAMA’ and “IMMEDIATE REMOVAL OF AMERICAN BASES FROM ISLAMIC COUNTRIES”.
The protesters coming from the urban Kolkata, Rajarhat, Mograhat, Bashirhat, Berachanpa areas frightened the common public and broke traffic rules in many places, when they were gathering to the congregation in matadors and other conveyance with bamboo sticks and iron rods etc. with them.
After protesting against the American Consulates in Chennai and Bangalore, the aggrieved Muslim protesters boomed in Kolkata for their rights to show the Islamic might over the infidels of Kolkata.
Unfortunately the present Bengal Rulers are leading in a way to submit them at the foot of Islamic elements, the whole scenario of Bengal is right to change completely for an Islamic state of affairs within 5 years more. One can take it as a prophecy, but it will be a reality if the Bengali Hindus do not resist.
Actually Kolkata witnessed a prospective Islamic terror what they have been watching on TV so far. No surprise, most of the vernacular channels and media houses in Bengal have blocked this terrific news to maintain their so called secular credential. A clear sign of submitting under Islamic regimen in Bengal are flashing forth.
Sri Debashis Roy, Assistant Commissioner of Kolkata Police has been assaulted and moderately injured by the protester Islamists under a scuffle during the gathering. Some other police personnel on duty were also hurt by the Muslim protesters and sent under treatment.
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