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Tuesday 18 December 2012

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Anti-Hindu pogrom likely in Lakshmanpur, Diamond Harbor

Islamists hell-bent to exterminate Hindus en masse, administration busy in appeasement  

This is not the story of any isolated village in the realm of the Indian state of Bengal  - it brings forth a cruel truth – the worsening  situation of Hindus and how they are being persecuted by Islamists, reveling hellish endorsement of the administrative scenario day in and day out, so that Hinduism moves to oblivion before long……….    

Lakshmanpur village is within the jurisdiction of P.S. Diamond Harbor, District: 24 Paraganas (South) and has been witnessing hauteur and mounting influence of Islamists for decades – the dogma has crossed all limits of tolerance even – the state of affairs has got an all-time low since Islamists have virtually made it impossible for Hindus in the village and its vicinity to live with dignity. Life has become more dangerous to Hindu women, forced to remain within doors fearing rape and human trafficking.

What is more, condition is such that both Hindu mother and daughter apprehend the same danger of ravishment – that can befall (on them) at any time if they dare to live as human beings and walk hither and thither.  

Main roads are patrolled by Islamist boys wearing lungis, carrying large bamboo sticks and preferring to show their genital organs to both Hindu girls and women. Even a few years back a number of Hindu girls from Lakshmanpur used to go to Sonamukhi Janakalyan Vidyapith (co-ed school) but none dares to do the same these days. Due to the Islamic terror Hindu boys are failing to attend school as well. Education of 15 girl students and 10 boy students are at stake.

Islamists, irrespective of age, are found to roam around the school and their enjoyment increases once a Hindu girl student is spotted. No stone is left unturned to harass her, whether by taunting or making efforts to show her pornographic films loaded in these felons’ cell phones. Hindu teachers, fearing thrashing by Islamists, don’t even dream to challenge these nasty developments.

At the moment, Lakshmanpur is under a heavy police protection. Reason? Administration apprehends worst may happen to them soon……….. On September 17, 2012, slain body of Anwar Khan and his severely injured friend Anamat Khan were recovered from a nearby area. Muslims, as expected always, blamed Hindus for the ghastly murder, appealed to police to nab a few selected Hindu youths and even the complainants were found to guide police to do the same. On September 18, 2012, at 1.30 am, two Hindu youths of village: Lakshmanpur – Kashinath Adhikari (age 17) and Kartik Haldar (age 13) – were taken into custody (devoid of any reason) and the two minors, reportedly, are languishing in police custody at P.S. Diamond Harbor now.

Three other Hindus– Sanjit Adhikary (age 23), Arup Haldar (age 20), Sudip Adhikary (age 15) – have also been named by Islamists as regards the crime and all are based on suspicion. Police is hell-bent to find them out; all of them have fled for life by now.

And all these continue to hassle Hindus in the village. Police contingent, violating all rules and regulations as enshrined, are entering Hindu houses at any time – be it night or day. But the fact – owing to stubborn resistance and vigil of Islamists, it’s virtually impossible for Hindus to go to Sonamukhi for merchandising (majority of Hindus are engaged in self-employed businesses) and hence, their lives have come to a standstill – is being ignored by police and administration. Administration is reluctant and gives damn what Hindus say.   

The April, 2012 development manifest the doomed fate of Hindus better. On every year, in the same month, Hindus worship Goddess Kali. However, this year, Islamists pounced Hindus demanding the Puja must be stopped. Hindus appealed to local administration to end this. What happened is hard to believe even! Instead of addressing Hindu agonies, police force, reportedly, led by Bidisha Sultana, then SI (Sub-Inspector) – P.S. Falta, was perceived to terrorize Hindus in particular. 4 Hindus, contrary to expectation, were arrested and freed after a week. Not a single riotous Muslim was arrested. In addition, Bidisha Sultana’s team stated unless Hindus end Puja and immerse the “nasty” Idol of Goddess Kali soon, both the makeshift temple and Holy Idol would be desecrated and destructed.

Intense tension prevails Hindus in village: Lakshmanpur; their means of livelihood are dwindling fast. They simply don’t know what to eat and wear on the next day. Islamists are flexing muscles without respite; they are stating openly the moment police surveillance is withdrawn, Hindus would either be converted to Islam or be compelled to undergo a mass extermination.  

What should Hindus do now? Should they undergo a mass annihilation or continue to count on an extremely spineless and parochial administration or fight for their own existence desperately?

After all………struggle for existence is not a crime.  

What do you suggest Hindus in Lakshmanpur to do at this point in time? 

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Is it crime for an adult Hindu youth to marry an adult Muslim woman in Bengal?

What makes administration dither in this regard?

Will Mamata, warrior in Rizwanur case, act like a vanguard here too?

Had the reverse taken place, there would have been nothing except wild celebrations proclaiming the suzerainty of the Religion of Peace (?) on infidels across the globe and also the solemn pledges to carry forward the struggle to retain and fortify seven century-long domination of Islamists on Hindus. But in this case there is courageous act of a Hindu youth only – certain to be deserted by Hindus fearing troubles – we are talking of Mithun Mandal, a Hindu individual of age 27, inhabiting Jaynagar, District: 24 Paraganas (South), working in Kolkata Municipal Corporation.

He has loved and married a Muslim girl, Tarina Sultana, age – 19, having residence in Ashoknagar, District: 24 Paraganas (North) and the newly wed couple, fearing slaying, is running from pillar to post now. And to punish such an atrocious job, members of Muslim girl’s family are leaving no stone unturned at the moment. It has come to knowledge, Mithun’s family has also been warned of dire consequences if the duo fails to surrender to Tarina’s family.

Apprehending worst, Mithun and Tarina have complained to West Bengal Human Rights Commission. The couple, as per reports, wedded on August 7, 2012 and is living in an abject fear from then on. Tarina Sultana’s family had the information of this love affair and to put an end to this, innocent Tarina, as indicated by her own statements, was beaten heavily at times. Finding no other way, Tarina left her paternal house on June 21, 2012 and moved to Mithun’s residence in Jaynagar.

Following the marriage, the life of new couple has turned into a hell – not a day passes when two brothers of Tarina, Khaja Mainuddin and Matiur Rahman, refrain from warning them by phones. Well, the allegation has already been denied by the two Islamist malefactors.     

On July 30, 2012, Israel Mallik with hordes of people, having deadly weapons, assailed the Corporation office at Dhapa where Mithun works. The crowd, according to Mithun, was wild in rage and he would have been killed, had they seized him. Nevertheless, Mithun, thanks to his colleagues, could escape.

Even if the couple is seeking help from West Bengal Human Rights Commission and its Chairman – Ashok Kumar Ganguli – has assured them of all possible assistances, fear of Mithun and Tarina is yet to end. Escalating misrule and yielding of administration to Islamists in Bengal remain the most worrying issues.

Mithun and Tarina, virtually, are having sleepless nights these days.  

Is it crime for an adult Hindu man to marry an adult Muslim woman in Bengal? Or whether reverse is the law? 

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Worst Hindu persecution in Usthi, 24 Paraganas (South)

Does any administration exist in Bengal?

All that is essential for Islamists to flex muscles, make Hindus dither is just a pretext – exploiting which Islamists can gather at the very place in strength, intimidate all and compel Hindus and both police and administration to surrender to them.

This experiment is being done (with a great success) at Netra Station Bazar area and its vicinity, P.S. Usthi, District: 24 Paraganas (South). The root of the ongoing arson happens to be the gruesome killing of a Moulavi on September 11, 2012; the body was recovered on September 15, 2012 and even if Hindus remain clueless still of the entire matter, they are undergoing brunt of persecution by Islamists.

The slain Moulavi was found on September 15, 2012 triggering angry responses among Islamists in the neighborhood. A strike (Bandh) was called by Islamists on the same day leaving Hindus to apprehend the worst only. And proving their worst apprehensions as true, situation started to worsen from the very Saturday. While Hindus were made a bogey, police and administration remained helpless witnesses and without doubt, administrative timidity played a great role in aggravating the raging situation and Hindu bashing (as a natural consequence).

It has come to knowledge, a good number of Hindus were manhandled and even thrashed for the reason unknown to them.

Had the administration remained watchful, the situation would not have reached this stage - for Hindus it is out of the frying pan into the fire.

On September 17, 2012, 4 fruit vendors (all Muslims) were arrested by the police (reasons remaining unknown yet) leading to a new spate of violence against Hindus in the neighborhood. And what did start from the morning on September 18, 2012 dashed hopes of Hindus on administration. Local Islamists, enjoying a free rein all in all, started pillaging and destructing both Hindu mercantile establishments (like shops) and residences. Even if Hindus appealed to police to rein in cruel Islamists, administration remained tight-lipped.

Whether it is Netra Station Bazar or adjoining area of Usthi, Hindus are being persecuted worst.

The problem, it has come to knowledge, has even affected Hindus in Basuldanga. Hindus, reportedly, there have been bullied in large numbers and lots of them have also been found with severe wounds.

Higher police officials have already visited the aforementioned spots and when questioned of their failure to contain the mounting violence against Hindus, they accepted incapacity in the open.

Tension is prevailing Usthi and its surrounding areas highly.

Even if additional police forces have been deployed there by now, Hindus are feeling unsafe yet. Reason?  Culpable Islamists are roaming there freely and it seems administration is devoid of power to take the felons into custody. 

Monday, September 17, 2012

New Love Jihad in Chapra, Nadia

EVE-TEASING is a rampant social evil. It can happen anywhere like road, beaches, cinema hall, buses even if in the educational Institution. The non satiated Love Jihadists are getting more violent in West Bengal. So the Muslim Romeos are very much interested in irritating Hindu girls in the name of love. Chapra village is under Chapra assembly constituency in  Nadia district. Chapra College is the only college in this area. A girl named Sanchita Pal is a second year student of B.A. degree course in the college. This girl and her family are suffering from a terrific situation. A Muslim boy Ahamed Mistri was disturbing her for some time. Although Sanchita became irritated, she could not protest out of fear. One day in the middle of August in the college campus, that Ahamed proposed her for marriage. Sanchita sternly refused him. Then Ahmed suddenly cut his hand to pressurize the girl. Being scared, Sanchita went to the Principal’s room to complain. Principal Krishna Gopal Roy summoned her father Chandu Pal to college. When he came to the college, Ahmed and his companions threatened him for going to the Principal.

After a few days, Chandu Pal with some of his neighbours went to Ahamed’s father Humayun Mistri to solve the problem. Humayun assured him that he would take care of his son and the girl would not be disturbed in future.

But what actuallyhappened was just opposite. On 30thAugust, Ahmed along with some Muslim antisocial elements came to Sanchita’s house and hurled a few bombs beside the house. Hearing the huge sound of the bombs local Hindus rushed to the spot. The culprits tried to run away but one of them was caught by the local people. Then they called local police station which is just 1km. away from that place. But police did not come to the spot. Within half an hour, local Muslims attacked Hindus with lethal arms like sword, iron rod, wooden stick, etc. They mercilessly beaten up Sanchita’s father and uncles named Goutam Pal and Ratan Pal. Goutam’s head was fractured and had to be admitted in local hospital. The attackers were searching for Sanchita, but they could not find out her because some Hindu boys gave her protection and hid her from the Muslims.

Police came after long 2 hours when the situation was somehow controlled. That made people extremely agitated and a scuffle took place between the police and local people. In this scuffle, a police jeep was damaged. So police arrested 11 Hindus and 6 Muslims. But the police adamantly refused to receive any written complaint from the Hindus against the aggressors. Next day, 2 Hindus and 2 Muslims got bail from court as they were minors. Hence 9 Hindus and 4 Muslims are still in jail.

The O.C. of the Chapra police station is reportedly threatening Chandu Pal, hapless father of the girl, that if he dares to lodge any complaint against the Muslims, he will be arrested. The Muslim criminals too are threatening him. According to local sources, the local TMC MLA Rukbanur Rahman, elder brother of Mamata’s vote catching poster boy late Rizwanur Rahman, is influencing police to protect the Muslim culprits and to act against the Hindus. Hindus of Nadia district are helplessly witnessing the making of another Pakistan. 

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Hindus brave Islamists’ attacks in Madhusudanpur, Kulpi

Police acting parochially; 3 Hindus arrested – Islamists released

There is the need of just a pretext for Islamists to establish their murderous identity; ever since the change (much-hyped Poriborton) in the Bengal government it has been the nitty-gritty of this mounting horde of malefactors. And the Hindu – Muslim clash occurring on September 10, 2012, at village: Madhusudanpur, P.S. Kulpi, District: 24 Paraganas (South) happens to be its unspeakable consequence. Resembling various other incidents, Islamists, at this time too, were the attackers while the Hindus were defending themselves – notable exception being Hindus did not back out but struggled valiantly.

The problem started at 3.30 pm when Islamists prevented Hindu from selling raw vegetables in the Kulpi – Bijaygunje main road. A fine pretext – wasn’t the same said in the beginning?

Well, this is not the first-such-kind-of activity of Islamists in the area; they tried to make such attacks in the past too. But, owing to backing of Islamists (from the nearby villages mainly), they rose up this time.

What has made the situation dirty indeed is the parochial attitude of police and administration. Three Hindu youths namely Surajit Gharami (age 26), Pulakesh Gharami (age 26) and Rajesh Bhattacharya (age 25) have been taken into custody. A few Muslim youths were also arrested initially but were released in the midway because of political pressure – ever inclined to better Islamists.

Police did not spare Hindu women! Champa Gharami (age 45), wife of Brajendranath Gharami (age 50) and mother of Pulakesh Gharami (arrested), was slapped by Ranjit Babu, second officer at P.S. Kulpi, when she protested against her son’s undue arrest. Both police and administration gave a message of terror to the Hindu society, thus.  

The biasness of police did not end there. When three Hindu youths were taken to the police station, they were trounced and told that Muslims can’t be arrested and if they dared to protest yet again, the consequence would be more dangerous for them. 

Hindus blocked the Kulpi – Bijaygunje main road persistently.  Tension dominates the entire area; RAF, reportedly, is patrolling the area to keep any untoward development at bay. 

Friday, September 7, 2012

Islamic persecution on Hindus crosses all bounds in Bengal

An eyewitnesses’ account of Beledanga, Shantipur now …………

How the intensity of Islamic terror is can be ascertained once if you get into Beledanga No.1 Gram Panchayat, P.S. Krishnanagar, District: Nadia. There is no need to visit yet again because the first visit will make you realize that Hindus inhabiting the area, especially Ghoshpara, have turned into serfs of Islamists forever and a day. The area has been witnessing frictions between Hindus, original settlers in the area, and burgeoning population of Islamists of years – but the ascension of reigning Bengal government and its clamant supports on every occasion, as per Hindu villagers, has emboldened Islamists there highly.

According to them, the situation was bad for Hindus during the CPIM-rule as well but the situation now is out of the frying pan into the fire. The situation is such that any Hindu girl or woman can be abducted, assets of a Hindu individual or family can be spoiled or looted at any time – and if any Hindu dares to protest, no less than hundreds of Islamists gather before the protester in no time and persecute him or groups of Hindus even in every capacity – be it warning or severe thrashes. Hindus, being scared of all these, do not even dare to go to the nearby police station.

I happened to witness all these on September 6, 2012 when Dipak Sanyal, senior activist of Hindu Samhati, asked me to delve into the matter. What did I find, at very beginning, was the bold postures of Muslim boys in the street. They were following us and some even asked us the purpose of the sudden visit. It appeared that I was either in Pakistan or Bangladesh where Islamists control the trigger! We stated that it was a casual visit but their disbeliefs were highly apparent.

Thanks to Dipak Babu and Parsesh Babu, another warrior in Hindu struggles for decades, Hindus, one after another (even if vexed), appeared in the public temple. What made me speechless was their hesitation to narrate own agonies (initially) – well, when they realized that the visit of us was for their betterment, the floodgate crushed and what came out from it is enough to stun a great humanist and adherent of secularism even.

On the word of Dipankar Ghosh, a Hindu native at Ghoshpara, it was March, 2012 when he and his family experienced Islamic brutality. Before the happening, Dipankar’s younger brother objected a Muslim teenager’s attempt to taunt and also molest a Hindu girl. When the teenager was caught red-handed, he was slapped and warned of grave consequences in future. The boy returned soon but with a large group of Islamists, with lethal weapons, to lynch Dipankar’s brother. Getting unable to find brother (he fled already in fear), Dipankar was clutched, beaten severely. But he was not killed; he had to pledge that his brother would not get into any such act of protest. This assurance saved Dipankar’s life.

Hindu women, nowadays, do not dare to go to the streets after dusk – there is no surety of their safe return or whether they would return home ever. Islamists are holding the entire area to ransom. Whoever does protests will not be allowed to live anymore – the latest diktat of Islamists.

Which are the other issues to haunt Hindus? Cow slaughtering has become a common affair – even corpses of cows or parts of beef are found almost daily in the area. Hindus told us that even a few years back Muslims used to slaughter in their residences and cover boeuf while transporting. All these measures have vanished by now and are done overtly. It is to be noted, Muslim population in the vicinity has grown exponentially in the last decade and it contains both Islamists from Bangladesh and other states of India. Perhaps Islamists there are hell-bent to portray an Islamic consolidation that will triumph only with the physical extermination of Hindus from Beldanga.

Here is the account of Rajkumar Ghosh, an innocent Hindu cultivator. Islamists never miss a chance to harass him and often cows and goats are sent to his field to ruin the paddy. Rajkumar Babu requested his neighbors often to refrain from all these things but there was no response. When he protested in the last time and drove away goats from his field, hundreds of Islamists, alleging the injuries of animals, came to his field, destroyed it and a teenager Muslim boy slapped Rajkumar Ghosh (an aged person –60 years old) before all. Hindus had no option but to digest the insult.

As part of a nefarious design, Islamists, devoid of any legal authority, have seized a part of a Khash (direct ownership) land, alongside a thoroughfare, known as Belermath Jaoar Rasta, and has built a dargah (mausoleum). None dares to complain against these too.  

 A few days back, Jamshed Ali Mandal, owner of a brickfield, during the last Eid al-Fitr was heard to ask Muslims publicly to protest against persecution on them by Hindus in Assam and donate handsomely to forge a strong defence. He also said that there were more issues to be discussed but among Muslims only.

Police and administration, perhaps being too busy, didn’t take the harangue made publicly into consideration.     This is not any isolated incident; to be precise, Beledanga No.1 Gram Panchayat does exist in the whole of Bengal and Hindus can live in the state with dignity only if Islamists are crushed.  

Hindu Samhati happens to be the only organization to refer to these agonies in Beledanga No.1 Gram Panchayat thus far. 

(Hindus being led by Hindu Samhati at Beldanga No.1 Gram Panchayat) 

(Terrified Hindu villagers) 

(Terrified Hindu villagers) 

(Terrified Hindu villagers) 

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Barasat – safest haven for Islamist criminals

Brutal death of Hindu doctor reveals it once more

Hindu army in Barasat – best solution?  

It no longer seems only but is a reality that no administration does exist in Barasat, District: 24 Paraganas (North); it has become a safe haven for Islamist toughs where anything can be done at their will and the only job of police is to kowtow to them. The latest instance, in this regard, is the killing of Bikashbandhu Mallik (age 57) at Kadambagachi, P.S. Barasat, for daring to protest against two drunken Islamists, Jalaluddin Muhammad and Sirajul Islaam, who tried to molest a Hindu girl in broad daylight on September 3, 2012.

The problem started when the two said Muslim hoodlums entered the very area and started thrashing a woman and her daughter. As per locals, the area remains vulnerable to Islamic criminals forever and a day and the steady inactions of local police and administration happen to be their mainstay. Eve-teasing of Hindu women with attempts to molest them have become highly common in the very area these days.         

On Monday at 3.30 pm, Jalaluddin Muhammad and Sirajul Islaam, attempted to peep into the Hindu house inhabited by the Hindu woman and her daughter, student of Class XI. Following their protest against this grievous act, mother and daughter were being beaten heavily. Bikashbandhu Mallik, well-known doctor in the vicinity, to save both the women and also the situation, did intervene, followed by a heated exchange of words between them. All of a sudden, hoodlums slapped the Hindu doctor, pushed and threw him against a beetle nut tree leading to his death. Bikash Babu underwent a bypass surgery two years back and hence, he could not be saved.

Residents of the area, following the Hindu doctor’s death, got furious that led to a violent disorder. The locality had five liquor shops, patronized and visited by Islamist criminals but after the mob attack wreckage of those can only be found.  

Both Muslim killers, Jalaluddin Muhammad and Sirajul Islaam, have been nabbed by police; however, locals are yet to have the relief. The majority of them considers since Islamist crooks enjoy political and administrative patronages newer problems will emerge shortly.

The situation is such unless a strong Hindu consolidation is maintained, it is virtually impossible for Hindus to live in Barasat.  

Reason? Along with lascivious attempts on Hindu women, thefts and other terrible incidents to terrorize Hindus are rising exponentially.  Prior to the incident at Kadambagachi, earring of a middle-aged woman named Jyotshna Roy was snatched by Islamist felons on Monday at early morning. The incident occurred when she was returning to her residence from morning walk. Both her ear lobes are damaged; she is in a critical condition in the Barasat Hospital.     

What can Hindus do now to live confidently in Barasat? They have no confidence on police and hence, they expect nothing from them. Again, police in Barasat has failed (in every respect) to get Hindus’ confidence.

Should Hindus form own army to leave without fear and with dignity in Barasat? Should lynching and other punishments replace effete administration there?

We would like to hear the state government’s view. 


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