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Tuesday 18 December 2012

Shiv temple turns into slaughterhouse in Pakistan

Shiv temple turns into slaughterhouse in Pakistan

A self-proclaimed Muslim cleric have seized a century old historic Shiv temple located in Pawaldass compound of Lyari town, Karachi, Sindh province. This Shiv temple has been turned into a slaughter area by local butchers. Baghdadi police reportedly allow the Muslims to slaughter the cows inside the compound’s walls. (Ref: The News)

Shocking facts

  • “They have erased the pictures of Hindu deities from the tiles of the temple, and forced Hindu worshippers to move to a small nearby room, where not more than two people can worship at a given time.” – Iqbal Haider, general secretary of the HRCP
  • Baghdadi police reportedly allow the Muslims to slaughter the cows inside the compound’s walls to insult Hindu religion and scare the community.
  • Whenever there are any Hindu religious ceremonies, like Holy, Deewali, Janam Ashtmi or the birthday of Shiva Jee, inside the compound, the Muslim extremists throw stones and filth to stop the functions and the police do not intervene at all to stop these acts.
  • Several Hindu girls have been reportedly raped within the compound but the Baghdadi police showed no willingness to register the cases. According to the All Pakistan Minority Alliance, this year has already seen roughly 25 girls from the Hindu community allegedly forced to convert to Islam in the province of Sindh. The method of choice to convert the girls who are abducted is to have them marry within the Muslim community.
  • The concerned compound is exclusively earmarked for Hindu families by the Sindh provincial government under the Evacuee Property Act 1957 but land grabbers have been forcibly evicting residents in this compound with the help of Baghdadi police in Kakri ground, Lyari town. As a result of this the number of families have decreased to 35.

A petition

We demand that -
1. The encroachment should be evicted and the temple be handed over to the Hindu families who have been living there.
2. The sanctity of the temple be reinstated and made suitable for worship of Hindus.
3. Those involved in this dastardly act be punished.
4. Protection should be granted to the temple to prevent recurrences of such instances.
5. The Pakistan Government to intervene in this matter and see that atrocities against Hindus are stopped and respect given to Hindus.
6. The Indian Government to lodge their protest against this and protect the rights and respect of the Hindus in Pakistan.

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Reference news

> HRCP condemns violation of temple space
Online – International News Network, Pakistan – 9 Oct 2006

> Rights group says cleric forcibly seized Shiva temple
Gulf News, United Arab Emirates - 16 Oct 2006

> Historic Shiv Mandir makes way for a Pir
The News – International, Pakistan - 14 Oct 2006

> Temple turns into slaughterhouse
The News – International, Pakistan - 9 Oct 2006

> Pak Rights Comm asks Govt to ensure protection of minorities
Zee News, India - 20 Oct 2006

> Editor-in-Chief: Mir Shakil-ur-Rahman
The News – International, Pakistan - 10 Oct 2006


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